Translating image to sound is an art, and we are experts at it nela.

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Audio description is the resource that makes the movie accessible to people with visual impairment. It consists in a narration interpolated with the dialogues, providing audio information such as the characters’ actions, bodily language, wardrobe, and the scenes’ ambiance etc.


It allows people to “see through words”, by imagining what is being descripted. Thus, it is essential that the audio description focuses in describing the events instead of interpreting them. 

Mulher Audiodescrição

Voice Over or Dialogue Reading

Dialogue reading, or voice over, is used when there are lines in foreign languages. It consists in reading the characters’ lines in Portuguese, with a narrator for each character, which allows to identity them by their voices. The process may seem like dubbing, but they are different. The dialogue reading has no intonation, and it is overlapped to the original audio, whereas dubbing replaces the original voices and uses specific interpretation methods.

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