
Those who control exhibitions and rights, have the best result.

Themis is a management system for audiovisual content licensing that helps distributors and producers to organize business opportunities for their products in numerous exhibition options.

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It enhances several processes that are current non-automated and non-standardized, thus saving workers’ productive time from every department in the company. 

Icon Gestão

License Management

A visual panel with absolute control of your licenses, contracts, schedules, and availability.

Icon Copy

Rights Management

Easy control and vision of all available rights, including Holdback, Exclusivity, and Validation specificities. 

Icon Resultados

Result Control

Check the Movies’ Results in an easy and dynamic way , by accessing financial information, Revenues and Expenses of each piece or contract individually. 

Icon Royalties

Royalties and Commissions

Quickly carry out royalties' issuances by selecting a timeframe to obtain an optimal report of Royalties and Commissions, where you can see results and improve your account. 

Icon Busca

Rights and Availability Search

Know exactly what you must sell instantaneously. With the Licenses and Rights Board, you can make a search by using any of the 26 filters, going from “Right” to “Produced Materials”, providing an immediate view of what you must sell, the way you need. 

Icon Apresentação

Commercial Presentation

Generate a commercial presentation of the movies you’ve searched in an automatized and instantaneous way, by picking a language (ENG, SPA, or BPO) and send it to your client in a PDF file. 

Do you want to know how to take part in this initiative?

Contact us and join Thêmis.

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