It’s not just about providing accessible contents but understanding and serving with quality

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"Talking about accessibility becomes more necessary by the day. With that in mind, we’ve created a series of content to share with those who want to prepare for this new chapter in audiovisual history and attract a bigger and more active audience to movie theaters."


The accessibility, above all, relates to inclusion and citizenship that should not be limited to content. All means must be accessible.

Homem Treinamentos

Certify your team

Accessibility training for cinemas focus on better approaching people with visual and hearing disabilities. The training has 5 modules, with numerous tips and instructions to provide the best experience to PWD. We talk about laws, conductress, hints, and by the end of each module there is a test to assess your knowledge so you can get your course completion certificate.

Content highlights.



In an accessible project, the first thing to do is understanding what needs to be developed, adapted, and preserved. We can think together to offer this analysis and initial diagnosis. Ideal for those dealing with the public for the first time. We breathe accessibility every day and we objectively assess the main aspects of accessible projects. Are you thinking about starting a project with an accessible aspect? Let’s think it through.



After diagnosing what needs to be done to make your project accessible, there is a very important step: engaging the team so that everyone understands that need. We offer custom-made lectures about the PWD audience, project production, and the accessibility market. Providing information about the laws, the social context, business opportunities, and, most of all, the inclusion potential. Our lectures have already traveled across Brazil, taking information to producers, distributors, TV channels, cinemas etc. It’s the birth of an engagement network that will only benefit the audience and the content.



Once the team is engaged and the necessities assessment is done, it is necessary to train collaborators so that they can execute what has been learned. Simple things such as how to communicate can make a big difference when it comes to adapting to this new reality. The consumer with disability is ready to discover and consume audiovisual contents. We must be ready to meet this demand. Our trainings think about each project’s scenario, from major brands to independent companies.

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