Speed, Efficiency, and Success! Handle multiple distribution windows at once with Themis

Make deliveries at a speed that even The Flash would envy We hope this content finds you well and not going through Excel spreadsheets from end to end, looking for a title or reviewing a contract for the 10th time to avoid mistakes with current agreements, imminent deadlines, available titles, and other vital details that […]

Speed, Efficiency, and Success! Handle multiple distribution windows at once with Themis

Make deliveries at a speed that even The Flash would envy

We hope this content finds you well and not going through Excel spreadsheets from end to end, looking for a title or reviewing a contract for the 10th time to avoid mistakes with current agreements, imminent deadlines, available titles, and other vital details that often get lost in a complex labyrinth of confusing information.

As much as we don’t want this, we know that this must be a very common scene in your day-to-day life, right?

In addition to all this, there are also constant market updates with the emergence of new platforms and changes in exhibition windows. In this scenario, those working in content distribution need to rummage through new releases and entire catalogs of avails, – each aimed at different windows and territories, just to know what’s ready to sell.

Not to mention the entire process of managing the rights and licenses of all your titles. Do you want a check list?  Ask yourself the following questions:

How many people and how much time are needed to fulfill a request?
How many files need to be overseen and reviewed?
How long does it take for Legal to validate a contract?
Does the “ok” to send out a list come from a superior? And does it take a long time? 
And amidst all this, is there time left to actively pursue your clients?

Do you  see it now?
It’s a lot to do!
There are so many people and hours involved in preparing a single request! 

Estimates indicate that an adult makes about 35,000 decisions per day. That’s 1,458 per hour, or 24 per second. Between trivial day-to-day things and major decisions, it ends up being A LOT! And we humans have only a limited amount of energy to use for this, and the more exhausting the process, the more we put ourselves at risk of diseases like the infamous Burnout Syndrome. Ramon Guerra

Heroes of audiovisual content management

Making a difference in the audiovisual industry with speed and efficiency (avoiding mistakes) makes us true heroes of content management.

Themis, our system for managing audiovisual content rights and licensing, makes the process faster and hassle-free. This way, you can focus on other activities without stressing. Here’s an example:

Imagine that an SVOD channel contacts you asking for a list of available and exclusive films, how do you do that? How long does it take?

With Themis, you do it in less than 5 minutes. Just filter the titles available for SVOD and it shows you, including those still in holdback, if you want. In addition, it also generates a metadata spreadsheet and a PDF in the format of a sales catalog to send directly to the client.

Themis uses technology and data integration to organize, manage, and facilitate the distribution of films, series, and other materials through the creation of standard processes, real-time control of what’s happening in the company, and team unification. 

We know that deliveries need to be made quickly, with quality and security. Only then we can ensure good feedback from the company, clients, and keep our clients’ clients happy. That’s why we say Themis is more than a system, it becomes a strategic partner by giveing you the freedom to pursue new business and not just wait for them to come to you, because now you have the time and the tools for that.

Check out the main features and functionalities of Themis:

  • Content Management: advanced tools for efficient administration of yourlibrary. This includes categorization, detailed metadata, and an intuitive interface that makes searching and organizing titles easy.
  • License Management: Total control panel of your licenses, contracts, periods, availability, territories and much more.
  • Rights Management: Easy control and view of all available rights, including their peculiarities like Holdbacks, Exclusivity, Validity, etc.
  • Greater result control: Easily and dynamically see a film’s results by accessing all financial information, revenues, and expenses of each film or individual contract.
  • Royalties and Commissions: Generate quick and easy Royalties reports, selecting the time period and obtaining an optimized report of Royalties and Commissions, visualizing results, and facilitating accounting.

Automated and intelligent searches: There are over 26 types of filters, ranging from “Rights” to “produced materials”, providing an immediate view of what’s available for sale, the way you need it.

Themis can help your business by outlining sales strategies for all available windows such as cinema, TVOD, SVOD, AVOD, free TV, pay TV, and much more.

With Themis, we don’t need superpowers to make a difference in the audiovisual industry, but our speed and efficiency make us true heroes of content management. 

Join us and experience the speed of light in content distribution! 

And if you are interested in Themis, contact us and try a free demo!

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